Responsible social actor
OTP Group considers it important to contribute to the development of the community and the protection of the environment in accordance with its economic strength. Our activities are value-driven, and through them we seek to engage and mobilise our stakeholders. We practice active community and social engagement and serve as an example in the following key areas: financial education, attitude-shaping, value creation, value preservation, equal opportunities, community building and environmental protection.
The members of OTP Group carry out their activities independently of one another, in line with local needs.
Developing financial literacy
For several years, OTP Group has made it a priority to contribute to the improvement of the financial literacy of the population, in addition to providing correct information to customers and the calculators and guides available on our website.
As a leading banking group in Central and Eastern Europe, we must take responsibility for educating young people and adults with basic financial literacy and responsible decision-making skills. Our aim is to create and spread financial literacy on a broad scale.
To learn about money, the economy and financial management in a fun way, using the most modern methods and tools. This is the purpose of the OK Educational and Innovation Centre, which was founded by OTP Fáy András Foundation, a team with almost 30 years of professional experience. In addition to the training centre in Budapest, the future awareness programmes are also available in Nyíregyháza and — in cooperation with the subsidiary banks — in Moldova, Romania and Slovakia.
Financial awareness, self-provisionWe believe that conscious money management and self-provisioning are essential for financial well-being. To this end, we have produced general financial education videos on a variety of topics, and several of our campaigns focus on responsible money management.
Community involvement
OTP Group considers it important to contribute to the development of the community in line with its economic strength, thus, in addition to financial support, we are launching an increasing number of projects that are implemented and developed upon our initiative, with the involvement of civil or professional partners and as a result of dialogue with stakeholders.
Equal opportunities
We feel obliged to help social groups which have to overcome drawbacks to achieve their goals, or which are still at the very beginning of that road. We primarily support initiatives that aim to help disadvantaged and sick children to heal, to accept people with disabilities and to educate young people.
We attach equal importance to preserving tradition and embracing contemporary initiatives that look to the future. We are particularly keen on supporting events, community initiatives and cultural programmes that contribute to deepening human relations, provide a meeting point and are important on account of their community-building potential — be it a popular music festival, a gastronomic event or an art exhibition.
The development of OTP Group is characterised by dynamism, which is also an essential value for success in the world of sport. We support numerous successful sport clubs, public sporting events, and popular sports that require physical and mental strength and stamina, a high level of concentration and well-organised teamwork.
The members of OTP Group carry out their support activities independently of each other, in line with local needs, in the form of donations and sponsorships. Our subsidiaries provide more information about such support on their respective websites.

Environmental protection
OTP Group also declares its responsibility towards the environment in its ESG strategy, setting out the guidelines.
OTP Bank’s environmental activities are regulated by the Environmental Policy. Supervision of environmental protection is exercised by the Managing Director of the Real-estate Investment and Supply Chain Directorate. The Policy has been approved by the Chairman and CEO of OTP Bank. The Policy ensures legal compliance and the consideration and integration of environmental criteria into the Bank’s business operations in order to minimise the negative environmental impacts of operating and maintaining the Bank’s organisation. It also sets out the rules on implementing the principles of environmentally-conscious purchasing.
Our operational environmental impacts and activities cover the following areas
During new investments and renovations, OTP Bank uses the best technology currently available and modern engineering solutions.
We are increasing the use of renewable energy sources, taking economic considerations into account. For all OTP Bank branch renovations, we explore the possibility of installing solar panels and heat pumps.
Our carbon emissions are determined by energy consuption and we report the results annually.
In the course of car procurement, we opt for models with lower fuel consumption and apply maximum carbon emission limits. OTP Bank has both electric and hybrid cars in its fleet, and several of our subsidiary banks already have electric cars in their fleet. Bicycle storage facilities are located at one or more headquarters and branches of OTP Bank and all its subsidiaries.
Reducing paper consumption and increasing the use of recycled paper has been a continuous effort of OTP Group for several years.
Digitalisation plays an important role in reducing paper consumption in internal processes and in information provision to customers. Electronic account statements have been available for several years at all members of OTP Group, where the legal framework allows. The digital signature pad, electronic bank statements and electronic information management can save more than ten million pages of paper a year.
Waste management
We follow a principle of using all our equipment, devices and machines for the longest time reasonably possible. Furniture is reused several times and we ensure the compatibility of replacements.
OTP Bank applies the priority order “waste prevention/reuse/recycling/disposal”. An integral part of this is separate waste collection and reducing paper use. In addition to reducing our waste output, we are expanding selective waste collection opportunities.
In addition to the parent bank, it is also common practice within the Group to donate no longer used but still functional furniture and IT equipment to institutions in need or to charitable organisations.