Responsible employer
As a major employer in the region, we have a responsibility to our staff. We are committed to decent employment that provides a fair living and promotes individual well-being and development. The role of our employees is key to the success of OTP Group and, as such, our primary goal is to develop and retain a talented and committed workforce. To this end, we want to make our employees well-trained, prepared and satisfied, with a focus on improving employee experience. Our role as a responsible employer is based on the following key areas: training, involvement.
Diversity and inclusion
Our aim is to create an environment where our committed employees can work in a diverse, supportive team, in an inclusive work culture and where they can perform to the best of their abilities. Diversity and inclusion is not only the right step, but is also essential to the implementation of the corporate strategy.
Our colleagues come from different backgrounds, with different qualifications and experience, different world views and different family backgrounds, and our objectives include
- establishing diverse, professionally outstanding, supportive teams and an open, collaborative working culture,
- ensuring equal opportunities and opportunities for all employee groups in the workplace,
- creating an open and inclusive workplace free from discrimination.
We place strong emphasis on ensuring that an approach aimed at diversity and inclusion is integrated into our work culture and embedded in our everyday practices, in the design of our operational processes and in the development of our managers.
We coordinate our efforts at Group level and use all means to reinforce this approach in our new programmes and internal communication.
OTP Bank’s strategy for gender equality

We give a key role to our talented and committed staff members, encouraging them to work by setting individual career goals and recognising their efforts with competitive pay based on their performance.
- Our Group is committed to the consistent implementation of the principle of “equal pay for equal work”, so part of our staff’s remuneration is based on measurable performance.
- The companies of OTP Group provide their employees with benefits in line with their financial market weighting in the given country.
- OTP Bank’s fringe benefit system includes complex health insurance, pension and health fund support, as well as a high level of cafeteria allowance that can be tailored to their specific needs. 600 people are eligible for our Employee Share Ownership Plan
Special ESOP .
Career opportunities
In recent years, our Bank has placed increasing emphasis on consciously providing career opportunities through mentoring programmes, targeted competence development and more transparent career advancement opportunities.
- By developing a system of career paths, the conditions and opportunities for advancement of managers and experts have become easy to understand and transparent.
- We have also launched a talent programme to support the professional development and raising of awareness of our colleagues.
Our most important asset is the expertise of our employees. In order to ensure the high standards of our customer-oriented services and the efficient operation of the organisation.
- We ensure that our staff are as prepared as possible through continuous training. Training plans are developed with the involvement of staff, taking into account the results of performance assessments.
- In addition to professional skills, we also aim to develop human competences and support inspirational leadership.
Performance assessment
The performance of our staff is assessed by the members of the OTP Group in various ways.
- Regular feedback, linked to objectives and based on objective criteria, is fully implemented at OTP Bank and at several foreign subsidiary banks.
- In addition to performance, we recognise and reward the efforts of our staff in the fields of customer focus, innovation and collaboration.
At OTP Bank, we have been successfully operating and continuously expanding the mentoring system for several years, which effectively helps our colleagues to integrate and prepare.
AdvocacyIn order to build a cohesive community, we place great emphasis on employee engagement, employee opinion and extensive internal communication.
Trade union
Our commitment to lawful operation, as declared in our Compliance Policy, includes respecting freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining. Advocacy opportunities are provided in accordance with local legislation. Employees are represented by trade unions at several companies of the Group. Collective agreements are important regulatory documents for the principles and expectations of human resource management.
Collective bargaining agreement
The majority of OTP Group employees are covered by collective agreements at member companies where collective agreements are in force.
OTP Group banks have various practices in place regarding the minimum notification period for changes in organisational operations that have a significant impact on employees, in line with local regulations.
Health, working environmentOur employees are our most important asset and, as such, we want to ensure that they have an attractive workplace and good working conditions, with their health in mind.
Work-life balance
We aim to improve working conditions and to reduce excessive workloads. Home office, flexible working hours and part-time work are typically the main ways for employees to better balance work and private life, while observing the objective constraints of their given job. During school holidays, we offer various camping opportunities for the children of OTP Bank employees.
Occupational health and safety
Our Banking Group complies with local and international legislation on health and safety at work. The number and severity of accidents has been low both at Group level and at OTP Bank for many years.
Healthy lifestyle
We encourage healthy lifestyles among our staff.
- The members of the Group offer regular health screenings and recreational opportunities to help maintain health.
- OTP Bank offers a complex health insurance package for employees and places a strong emphasis on prevention.
- Several members of OTP Group provide stress management training for their employees.
- OTP Bank has several sports departments, encouraging and providing a framework for employees to participate in sports (at both hobby and competitive level) and to stay healthy. Individual and group sporting opportunities are encouraged through a range of discounts and subsidies.
- Members of the Banking Group have several hotels where the most outstanding employees can enjoy free holidays, and several of our subsidiary banks contribute to recreational activities.