
The Annual General Meeting of OTP Bank Plc. is authorized to determine the conditions of dividend payment and the actual dividend payment ratio. The general rules of dividend payment are defined by the Articles of Association of the company.

OTP’s dividend payments

Business year
Accepted dividend payment ratio
(in % of the face value of the shares)
535.71300429.46The dividend per share is HUF 425.89 for the 2019 and 2020 and HUF 3.57 for 2021, in total HUF 429.46.--
Dividend/share (HUF)The actual rate of dividend paid to shareholders for 1 share with a face value of HUF 100 is calculated and paid based on the Articles of Association, so the Company distributes the dividends for its own shares among the shareholders who are entitled for dividends.539.45861106300.15789806430.40728798--
Date of AGM26/04/202428/04/202313/04/202216/04/2021The Board of Directors acted in the competency of the Annual General Meeting.30/04/2020The Board of Directors acted in the competency of the Annual General Meeting.
Day of shareholder identification27/05/202426/05/202323/05/2022--
Start date of dividend payment03/06/202405/06/202330/05/2022--

Business year

Business year

Business year

Business year

Business year






  • Accepted dividend payment ratio
    (in % of the face value of the shares)
  • Dividend/share (HUF)The actual rate of dividend paid to shareholders for 1 share with a face value of HUF 100 is calculated and paid based on the Articles of Association, so the Company distributes the dividends for its own shares among the shareholders who are entitled for dividends.539.45861106
  • Date of AGM26/04/2024
  • Day of shareholder identification27/05/2024
  • Start date of dividend payment03/06/2024
  • Accepted dividend payment ratio
    (in % of the face value of the shares)
  • Dividend/share (HUF)The actual rate of dividend paid to shareholders for 1 share with a face value of HUF 100 is calculated and paid based on the Articles of Association, so the Company distributes the dividends for its own shares among the shareholders who are entitled for dividends.300.15789806
  • Date of AGM28/04/2023
  • Day of shareholder identification26/05/2023
  • Start date of dividend payment05/06/2023
  • Accepted dividend payment ratio
    (in % of the face value of the shares)
    429.46The dividend per share is HUF 425.89 for the 2019 and 2020 and HUF 3.57 for 2021, in total HUF 429.46.
  • Dividend/share (HUF)The actual rate of dividend paid to shareholders for 1 share with a face value of HUF 100 is calculated and paid based on the Articles of Association, so the Company distributes the dividends for its own shares among the shareholders who are entitled for dividends.430.40728798
  • Date of AGM13/04/2022
  • Day of shareholder identification23/05/2022
  • Start date of dividend payment30/05/2022
  • Accepted dividend payment ratio
    (in % of the face value of the shares)
  • Dividend/share (HUF)The actual rate of dividend paid to shareholders for 1 share with a face value of HUF 100 is calculated and paid based on the Articles of Association, so the Company distributes the dividends for its own shares among the shareholders who are entitled for dividends.-
  • Date of AGM16/04/2021The Board of Directors acted in the competency of the Annual General Meeting.
  • Day of shareholder identification-
  • Start date of dividend payment-
  • Accepted dividend payment ratio
    (in % of the face value of the shares)
  • Dividend/share (HUF)The actual rate of dividend paid to shareholders for 1 share with a face value of HUF 100 is calculated and paid based on the Articles of Association, so the Company distributes the dividends for its own shares among the shareholders who are entitled for dividends.-
  • Date of AGM30/04/2020The Board of Directors acted in the competency of the Annual General Meeting.
  • Day of shareholder identification-
  • Start date of dividend payment-

For further information please view the following pages

Ownership structure

Actual ownership structure of OTP Bank

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Treasury shares

Volume of treasury shares owned by OTP Group

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History of shares

Chronological history of OTP shares from 1990

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Analysts covering OTP Bank shares

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Share information

Annual statistics of OTP Bank's ordinary share price

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