Financial highlights
Consolidated financial highlights and share data
Main components of the Statement of recognised income in HUF million
4Q 2023 | 3Q 2024 | 4Q 2024 | Q-o-Q | Y-o-Y | |
Consolidated profit after tax | 132 581 | 318 514 | 249 735 | -22% | 88% |
Adjustments (after tax) (total) | -80 657 | 0 | 0 | ||
Consolidated adjusted profit after tax | 213 238 | 318 514 | 249 735 | -22% | 17% |
Pre-tax profit | 289 725 | 388 672 | 315 858 | -19% | 9% |
Operating profit | 337 312 | 415 488 | 408 320 | -2% | 21% |
Total income | 624 519 | 676 125 | 705 860 | 4% | 13% |
Net interest income | 425 634 | 444 235 | 460 720 | 4% | 8% |
Net fees and commissions | 132 039 | 137 485 | 148 295 | 8% | 12% |
Other net non-interest income | 66 847 | 94 405 | 96 845 | 3% | 45% |
Operating expenses | -287 208 | -260 636 | -297 540 | 14% | 4% |
Total risk costs | -47 587 | -26 816 | -92 462 | 245% | 94% |
Corporate taxes | -76 487 | -70 158 | -66 123 | -6% | -14% |
4Q 2023
3Q 2024
4Q 2024
- Consolidated profit after tax132 581
- Adjustments (after tax) (total)-80 657
- Consolidated adjusted profit after tax213 238
- Pre-tax profit289 725
- Operating profit337 312
- Total income624 519
- Net interest income425 634
- Net fees and commissions132 039
- Other net non-interest income66 847
- Operating expenses-287 208
- Total risk costs-47 587
- Corporate taxes-76 487
- Consolidated profit after tax318 514
- Adjustments (after tax) (total)0
- Consolidated adjusted profit after tax318 514
- Pre-tax profit388 672
- Operating profit415 488
- Total income676 125
- Net interest income444 235
- Net fees and commissions137 485
- Other net non-interest income94 405
- Operating expenses-260 636
- Total risk costs-26 816
- Corporate taxes-70 158
- Consolidated profit after tax249 735
- Adjustments (after tax) (total)0
- Consolidated adjusted profit after tax249 735
- Pre-tax profit315 858
- Operating profit408 320
- Total income705 860
- Net interest income460 720
- Net fees and commissions148 295
- Other net non-interest income96 845
- Operating expenses-297 540
- Total risk costs-92 462
- Corporate taxes-66 123
- Consolidated profit after tax-22%
- Adjustments (after tax) (total)
- Consolidated adjusted profit after tax-22%
- Pre-tax profit-19%
- Operating profit-2%
- Total income4%
- Net interest income4%
- Net fees and commissions8%
- Other net non-interest income3%
- Operating expenses14%
- Total risk costs245%
- Corporate taxes-6%
- Consolidated profit after tax88%
- Adjustments (after tax) (total)
- Consolidated adjusted profit after tax17%
- Pre-tax profit9%
- Operating profit21%
- Total income13%
- Net interest income8%
- Net fees and commissions12%
- Other net non-interest income45%
- Operating expenses4%
- Total risk costs94%
- Corporate taxes-14%
Main components of the adjusted balance sheet (closing balances in HUF million)
4Q 2023 | 3Q 2024 | 4Q 2024 | Q-o-Q | Y-o-Y | |
Total assets | 39 609 144 | 41 556 576 | 43 419 128 | 4% | 10% |
Total customer loans (net, FX adjusted) | 22 549 534 | 22 789 382 | 23 361 638 | 3% | 4% |
Total customer loans (gross, FX adjusted) | 23 610 743 | 23 774 648 | 24 334 694 | 2% | 3% |
Performing (Stage 1+2) customer loans (gross, FX-adjusted) | 22 596 102 | 22 822 863 | 23 447 715 | 3% | 4% |
Allowances for possible loan losses (FX adjusted) | -1 061 208 | -985 266 | -973 056 | -1% | -8% |
Total customer deposits (FX adjusted) | 30 937 627 | 31 080 088 | 31 666 399 | 2% | 2% |
Issued securities | 2 095 548 | 2 500 940 | 2 593 124 | 4% | 24% |
Subordinated loans | 562 396 | 391 867 | 369 359 | -6% | -34% |
Total shareholders' equity | 4 094 793 | 4 798 409 | 5 120 012 | 7% | 25% |
4Q 2023
3Q 2024
4Q 2024
- Total assets39 609 144
- Total customer loans (net, FX adjusted)22 549 534
- Total customer loans (gross, FX adjusted)23 610 743
- Performing (Stage 1+2) customer loans (gross, FX-adjusted)22 596 102
- Allowances for possible loan losses (FX adjusted)-1 061 208
- Total customer deposits (FX adjusted)30 937 627
- Issued securities2 095 548
- Subordinated loans562 396
- Total shareholders' equity4 094 793
- Total assets41 556 576
- Total customer loans (net, FX adjusted)22 789 382
- Total customer loans (gross, FX adjusted)23 774 648
- Performing (Stage 1+2) customer loans (gross, FX-adjusted)22 822 863
- Allowances for possible loan losses (FX adjusted)-985 266
- Total customer deposits (FX adjusted)31 080 088
- Issued securities2 500 940
- Subordinated loans391 867
- Total shareholders' equity4 798 409
- Total assets43 419 128
- Total customer loans (net, FX adjusted)23 361 638
- Total customer loans (gross, FX adjusted)24 334 694
- Performing (Stage 1+2) customer loans (gross, FX-adjusted)23 447 715
- Allowances for possible loan losses (FX adjusted)-973 056
- Total customer deposits (FX adjusted)31 666 399
- Issued securities2 593 124
- Subordinated loans369 359
- Total shareholders' equity5 120 012
- Total assets4%
- Total customer loans (net, FX adjusted)3%
- Total customer loans (gross, FX adjusted)2%
- Performing (Stage 1+2) customer loans (gross, FX-adjusted)3%
- Allowances for possible loan losses (FX adjusted)-1%
- Total customer deposits (FX adjusted)2%
- Issued securities4%
- Subordinated loans-6%
- Total shareholders' equity7%
- Total assets10%
- Total customer loans (net, FX adjusted)4%
- Total customer loans (gross, FX adjusted)3%
- Performing (Stage 1+2) customer loans (gross, FX-adjusted)4%
- Allowances for possible loan losses (FX adjusted)-8%
- Total customer deposits (FX adjusted)2%
- Issued securities24%
- Subordinated loans-34%
- Total shareholders' equity25%
Indicators based on adjusted earnings %
4Q 2023 | 3Q 2024 | 4Q 2024 | Q-o-Q | Y-o-Y | |
ROE (from profit after tax) | 12.9% | 27.2% | 19.8% | -7.4%p | 6.9%p |
ROE (from adjusted profit after tax) | 20.8% | 27.2% | 19.8% | -7.4%p | -1.0%p |
ROA (from profit after tax) | 1.3% | 3.1% | 2.3% | -0.7%p | 1.0%p |
ROA (from adjusted profit after tax) | 2.1% | 3.1% | 2.3% | -0.7%p | 0.2%p |
Operating profit margin | 3.38% | 3.98% | 3.79% | -0.20%p | 0.40%p |
Total income margin | 6.26% | 6.48% | 6.55% | 0.06%p | 0.28%p |
Net interest margin | 4.27% | 4.26% | 4.27% | 0.01%p | 0.00%p |
Cost-to-asset ratio | 2.88% | 2.50% | 2.76% | 0.26%p | -0.12%p |
Cost/income ratio | 46.0% | 38.5% | 42.2% | 3.6%p | -3.8%p |
Provision for impairment on loan losses-to-average gross loans ratio | 0.68% | 0.25% | 0.97% | 0.72%p | 0.29%p |
Total risk cost-to-asset ratio | 0.48% | 0.26% | 0.86% | 0.60%p | 0.38%p |
Effective tax rate | 26.4% | 18.1% | 20.9% | 2.9%p | -5.5%p |
Net loan/deposit ratio (FX-adjusted) | 73% | 73% | 74% | 0%p | 1%p |
Capital adequacy ratio (consolidated, IFRS) - Basel3 | 18.9% | 20.5% | 20.3% | -0.1%p | 1.4%p |
Tier1 ratio - Basel3 | 16.6% | 19.1% | 18.9% | -0.2%p | 2.3%p |
Common Equity Tier 1 ('CET1') ratio - Basel3 | 16.6% | 19.1% | 18.9% | -0.2%p | 2.3%p |
4Q 2023
3Q 2024
4Q 2024
- ROE (from profit after tax)12.9%
- ROE (from adjusted profit after tax)20.8%
- ROA (from profit after tax)1.3%
- ROA (from adjusted profit after tax)2.1%
- Operating profit margin3.38%
- Total income margin6.26%
- Net interest margin4.27%
- Cost-to-asset ratio2.88%
- Cost/income ratio46.0%
- Provision for impairment on loan losses-to-average gross loans ratio0.68%
- Total risk cost-to-asset ratio0.48%
- Effective tax rate26.4%
- Net loan/deposit ratio (FX-adjusted)73%
- Capital adequacy ratio (consolidated, IFRS) - Basel318.9%
- Tier1 ratio - Basel316.6%
- Common Equity Tier 1 ('CET1') ratio - Basel316.6%
- ROE (from profit after tax)27.2%
- ROE (from adjusted profit after tax)27.2%
- ROA (from profit after tax)3.1%
- ROA (from adjusted profit after tax)3.1%
- Operating profit margin3.98%
- Total income margin6.48%
- Net interest margin4.26%
- Cost-to-asset ratio2.50%
- Cost/income ratio38.5%
- Provision for impairment on loan losses-to-average gross loans ratio0.25%
- Total risk cost-to-asset ratio0.26%
- Effective tax rate18.1%
- Net loan/deposit ratio (FX-adjusted)73%
- Capital adequacy ratio (consolidated, IFRS) - Basel320.5%
- Tier1 ratio - Basel319.1%
- Common Equity Tier 1 ('CET1') ratio - Basel319.1%
- ROE (from profit after tax)19.8%
- ROE (from adjusted profit after tax)19.8%
- ROA (from profit after tax)2.3%
- ROA (from adjusted profit after tax)2.3%
- Operating profit margin3.79%
- Total income margin6.55%
- Net interest margin4.27%
- Cost-to-asset ratio2.76%
- Cost/income ratio42.2%
- Provision for impairment on loan losses-to-average gross loans ratio0.97%
- Total risk cost-to-asset ratio0.86%
- Effective tax rate20.9%
- Net loan/deposit ratio (FX-adjusted)74%
- Capital adequacy ratio (consolidated, IFRS) - Basel320.3%
- Tier1 ratio - Basel318.9%
- Common Equity Tier 1 ('CET1') ratio - Basel318.9%
- ROE (from profit after tax)-7.4%p
- ROE (from adjusted profit after tax)-7.4%p
- ROA (from profit after tax)-0.7%p
- ROA (from adjusted profit after tax)-0.7%p
- Operating profit margin-0.20%p
- Total income margin0.06%p
- Net interest margin0.01%p
- Cost-to-asset ratio0.26%p
- Cost/income ratio3.6%p
- Provision for impairment on loan losses-to-average gross loans ratio0.72%p
- Total risk cost-to-asset ratio0.60%p
- Effective tax rate2.9%p
- Net loan/deposit ratio (FX-adjusted)0%p
- Capital adequacy ratio (consolidated, IFRS) - Basel3-0.1%p
- Tier1 ratio - Basel3-0.2%p
- Common Equity Tier 1 ('CET1') ratio - Basel3-0.2%p
- ROE (from profit after tax)6.9%p
- ROE (from adjusted profit after tax)-1.0%p
- ROA (from profit after tax)1.0%p
- ROA (from adjusted profit after tax)0.2%p
- Operating profit margin0.40%p
- Total income margin0.28%p
- Net interest margin0.00%p
- Cost-to-asset ratio-0.12%p
- Cost/income ratio-3.8%p
- Provision for impairment on loan losses-to-average gross loans ratio0.29%p
- Total risk cost-to-asset ratio0.38%p
- Effective tax rate-5.5%p
- Net loan/deposit ratio (FX-adjusted)1%p
- Capital adequacy ratio (consolidated, IFRS) - Basel31.4%p
- Tier1 ratio - Basel32.3%p
- Common Equity Tier 1 ('CET1') ratio - Basel32.3%p
Share Data
4Q 2023 | 3Q 2024 | 4Q 2024 | Q-o-Q | Y-o-Y | |
EPS diluted (HUF) (from profit after tax) | 494 | 1 203 | 948 | -21% | 92% |
EPS diluted (HUF) (from adjusted profit after tax) | 797 | 1 208 | 952 | -21% | 20% |
Closing price (HUF) | 15 800 | 18 660 | 21 690 | 16% | 37% |
Highest closing price (HUF) | 16 030 | 19 150 | 22 100 | 15% | 38% |
Lowest closing price (HUF) | 13 130 | 17 220 | 18 350 | 7% | 40% |
Market Capitalization (EUR billion) | 11.6 | 13.1 | 14.8 | 13% | 28% |
Book Value Per Share (HUF) | 15 305 | 18 191 | 19 527 | 7% | 28% |
Tangible Book Value Per Share (HUF) | 14 599 | 17 445 | 18 684 | 7% | 28% |
Price/Book Value | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.1 | 8% | 8% |
Price/Tangible Book Value | 1.1 | 1.1 | 1.2 | 9% | 7% |
P/E (trailing, from profit after tax) | 4.5 | 5.4 | 5.6 | 4% | 26% |
P/E (trailing, from adjusted profit after tax) | 4.9 | 5.0 | 5.6 | 12% | 15% |
Average daily turnover (EUR million) | 16 | 16 | 23 | 46% | 47% |
Average daily turnover (million share) | 0.4 | 0.3 | 0.5 | 34% | 12% |
4Q 2023
3Q 2024
4Q 2024
- EPS diluted (HUF) (from profit after tax)494
- EPS diluted (HUF) (from adjusted profit after tax)797
- Closing price (HUF)15 800
- Highest closing price (HUF)16 030
- Lowest closing price (HUF)13 130
- Market Capitalization (EUR billion)11.6
- Book Value Per Share (HUF)15 305
- Tangible Book Value Per Share (HUF)14 599
- Price/Book Value1.0
- Price/Tangible Book Value1.1
- P/E (trailing, from profit after tax)4.5
- P/E (trailing, from adjusted profit after tax)4.9
- Average daily turnover (EUR million)16
- Average daily turnover (million share)0.4
- EPS diluted (HUF) (from profit after tax)1 203
- EPS diluted (HUF) (from adjusted profit after tax)1 208
- Closing price (HUF)18 660
- Highest closing price (HUF)19 150
- Lowest closing price (HUF)17 220
- Market Capitalization (EUR billion)13.1
- Book Value Per Share (HUF)18 191
- Tangible Book Value Per Share (HUF)17 445
- Price/Book Value1.0
- Price/Tangible Book Value1.1
- P/E (trailing, from profit after tax)5.4
- P/E (trailing, from adjusted profit after tax)5.0
- Average daily turnover (EUR million)16
- Average daily turnover (million share)0.3
- EPS diluted (HUF) (from profit after tax)948
- EPS diluted (HUF) (from adjusted profit after tax)952
- Closing price (HUF)21 690
- Highest closing price (HUF)22 100
- Lowest closing price (HUF)18 350
- Market Capitalization (EUR billion)14.8
- Book Value Per Share (HUF)19 527
- Tangible Book Value Per Share (HUF)18 684
- Price/Book Value1.1
- Price/Tangible Book Value1.2
- P/E (trailing, from profit after tax)5.6
- P/E (trailing, from adjusted profit after tax)5.6
- Average daily turnover (EUR million)23
- Average daily turnover (million share)0.5
- EPS diluted (HUF) (from profit after tax)-21%
- EPS diluted (HUF) (from adjusted profit after tax)-21%
- Closing price (HUF)16%
- Highest closing price (HUF)15%
- Lowest closing price (HUF)7%
- Market Capitalization (EUR billion)13%
- Book Value Per Share (HUF)7%
- Tangible Book Value Per Share (HUF)7%
- Price/Book Value8%
- Price/Tangible Book Value9%
- P/E (trailing, from profit after tax)4%
- P/E (trailing, from adjusted profit after tax)12%
- Average daily turnover (EUR million)46%
- Average daily turnover (million share)34%
- EPS diluted (HUF) (from profit after tax)92%
- EPS diluted (HUF) (from adjusted profit after tax)20%
- Closing price (HUF)37%
- Highest closing price (HUF)38%
- Lowest closing price (HUF)40%
- Market Capitalization (EUR billion)28%
- Book Value Per Share (HUF)28%
- Tangible Book Value Per Share (HUF)28%
- Price/Book Value8%
- Price/Tangible Book Value7%
- P/E (trailing, from profit after tax)26%
- P/E (trailing, from adjusted profit after tax)15%
- Average daily turnover (EUR million)47%
- Average daily turnover (million share)12%
For further information please view the following pages
Annual reports
Annual reports of OTP Bank
Read moreBSE quarterly reports
Regular BSE quarterly reports, interim management reports and the condensed IFRS financial reports
Read moreIFRS reports
Financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
Read moreSustainability reports
Sustainability reports reviewing the corporate responsibility activities of the OTP Group
Read moreCorporate governance reports
Corporate governance reports providing annual discloure on the corporate governance system of OTP Bank
Read moreDisclosure requirement
Disclosure requirement according to Basel II
Read more